Song of Myself
you must know everything immediately you
must not disappoint your loved ones
this day must be a success
this day sets the tone for all days to come
you’re risking their dreams you’re risking
everything you’ll just be
idling around when
you must be procreant at all times
this isn’t a moment to celebrate or exhale this
is a time to be terrified
you must have a foolproof plan you
can’t just live life day to day
why do you think you deserve this freedom
life can’t just be leisurely
life can’t just be mostly free
humans have always had to work hard what
makes you the exception what
justifies this silly business
life must have a certain pace
work must eat up all day
you must show that you’re good that
you don’t just celebrate yourself
and sing yourself you
can’t just loaf around
You’ll figure this out gradually you
will make your loved ones proud
this day is a beginning
this is the beginning of a whole life to come
this is creation of shared dreams
you’re not alone you’ve got
safety help prowess — plenty
of humans have lived this quietly you
will be energetic most times
this is a perfect moment
to celebrate and exhale this
is a time to be elated
you cannot have a foolproof plan you’ll just
have to learn life day to day
freedom is deserved
existence can just be lucky
you choose whether you are free
does work have to be hard what values
justify the hustle culture
life has a finite amount of days
you are good and sometimes bad
you go ahead invite your soul and
celebrate yourself for there will never
be any more perfection than
there is
After Walt Whitman