F is for Victory
you are a woman and you say that
you don’t need feminism
you think feminism is the wrong word for feminism
you are perhaps even annoyed by feminism
my heart fills with gratefulness
for you are a Victory
of feminism
and you are a Victory
for feminism.
Yes You–
who stand there so untouched so
ignorant so unapologetically stupid
You are the pinnacle
of feminism you are its greatest achievement
its shining beacon of hope.
should hold you high above our heads like a trophy
parade you around for everyone to see
So that the millions of women and girls who are still
aborted before they’re born
kept away from schools when they are born
mutilated because they are born
beaten because they like boys
beaten because they like girls
beaten because they want to be boys
married off to grown boys – before they have even grown
sold, raped, tortured, killed by grown boys and
die in childbirth because they were too young
too poor too hungry too weak who are
told before court that they were asking for it
or even “just” so that those who
make not 79 Cents to the Dollar (White woman)
but 63 Cents to the Dollar (Black woman)
or 59.3 Cents to the Dollar (Hispanic woman)
have experienced any kind of molestation or harassment in their lives
are told that they must have the baby they feel incapable of having
are told that their outrage is hormonal; mustn't be taken seriously
are told they have more than others; what is there to complain about
We should herald you so that all these women know
you are possible –
in some wondrously remote part of this globe
you miraculously protected thing you
Let them
feast their eyes on you
they’ll slurp you up like a hot fudge sundae
they’ll never forget how sweet how good how otherworldly
you tasted.
It’ll give them something
to dream of at night.